Q-What is a FinnSheep?

A-The Finnish Landrace or Finnsheep is a breed of domestic sheep which has a high incidence of multiple births – it is common for a ewe to have three, four, or even five lambs at once. The record is 8 live births from one ewe.

Q-How long has Eldorado Farms been in FinnSheep?

A-We started 7 years ago by acquiring our starter flock from Wee Croft, Firefly Fields, and Falling Tree.

Q-What is a FinnSheep used for?

A-The Finn Breed is considered a multi use sheep along with their wool they are also used in cross breeding programs to increase lambing percentage. The meat of the Finn is very lean, sweet, & mild.  Known to have a high meat to bone ratio.

Q-When did FinnSheep arrive into North America From Finland ?

A-Finnsheep were first imported to North America by the University of Manitoba, Canada in 1966

Q-What is the size of Eldorado Farms Flock?

A-Eldorado Farms currently has 30 ewes, 10 Rams, 1 wether, & 2 Guard Donkeys

Q-Is FinnSheep the only breed of sheep raised on Edorado Farms?

A-Yes, we strive to produce the correct Finn according to the written standard and stay true to the original pure imported bloodlines.

Q-What colors does the FinnSheep come in?

A-Finnsheep have a similar range of fleece colors to that of Shetland and Icelandic sheep. White is genetically dominant and the most common color. Black and black/white piebald (spotted) sheep are also fairly common, while brown, gray and fawn Finnsheep are very scarce in the USA at this time.  (Only 2% of all Finn Sheep are Brown or Gray)

Q-What does Eldorado Farms produce color?

A-The farm produces every accepted color in the Finn Breed. We have a large percentage of Rare Brown & Gray in our flock. In 2010 we had over 30% of lambs born Brown or Gray.